Summer Adventure 2015 Jesus Is Lord over His people
Last week I got teach the lesson at my table in fourth grade at Summer Adventure A.K.A. Vacation Bible School at Grace Baptist Church. The theme for the entire week was Jesus is Lord. Friday was Jesus is Lord over His people We told the kids the story of Saul. I wrote this poem and they loved It! I held their attention! I gave all my kids signed copies of the poem to help them remember the story and the fun week we had together! Another table leader shared it with her kids and soon everyone wanted a copy! It was a hit! Maybe I’ll have to start writing more poetry. Enjoy!

Saul was a bully
Who tried to kill the holy
Slowly God worked on his heart
And Saul had a brand new start
After being blinded by the light
Ananias restored his sight
And Saul was filled with the Holy Spirit
And God used him with all his might
Even with a dark heart like Saul
God changed him and his name became Paul