This is the skit I performed for my 5th and 6th grade Awana girls. They loved it! There was lots of laughter. It actually rained that night and the brown paper actually got stuck on my tires. April Larsen, our room director, actually had to work to pull it off. How perfect! At the end I told the kids they got to see what happens in real life. The Lord has a sense of humor! I’d like to submit this to a company who writes Bible Lessons and skits for kids. If anyone knows of a good market for this, please let me know. Writing Bible lessons and skits for kids would be my ideal job. Enjoy! P.S. This video is only the first half of the skit. Unfortunately, my co-leader’s phone ran out of power. Fortunately, you can see the entire skit written down here. Notice how huge my wheelchair is. That’s why I have such a hard time staying on the narrow pathway sometimes. I’m still not perfect at it but I’ve gotten a lot better at it with time. It’s what gave me the idea to write this Bible Lesson.The narrow pathway in the back entrance of my home can be used as a great analogy that applies to the Christian life.

This is the narrow gateway going into my home. It’s very difficult to stay on the narrow pathway with my huge wheelchair.

What happens when I’m not paying attention and have my wheelchair on rabbit speed.

While the mud on my tires can be hosed down and wiped off, the same thing can’t always be said for the consequences for our choices in life. That’s why it pays to stay on God’s narrow pathway. Staying on the narrow pathway helps us stay out of the mud and avoid regrets later.
Skit overview
Have a caution sign. “Narrow Road Ahead. Drive slowly.” The Bible says. “We live by faith not by sight.” (2 Corinth. 5:7). “Danger” is my middle name! I got this! Here I go full speed ahead! Driving too fast I get stuck in the mud. Oh no! My wheelchair is stuck. Now what?
Discussion Questions
What do you think it means to live by faith not by sight?
Be careful about choices you make in life you may regret it. How are you going to explain to God about your choices? Romans 8:1-8. Following the narrow path way you have true sight. What does God promise to do with our do with our unknown paths when we follow him? Isaiah 42:16
Why does the world see us as narrow minded? 2 Corinth. 4:4. & John 15:18
How should we respond to those that don’t like us? Matt. 5:44
Closing: Talk about social media- intolerant/narrow minded. We can be a light at how we respond. Follow the narrow path and you won’t get stuck in the mud.
Key verse Matt 7:13-14
“Boy it sure is rainy tonight. “Caution Narrow Road Ahead. Drive slowly.” Oh well, I’m not worried. The Bible says, “We live by faith not by sight.” See my bumper sticker? “Danger” is my middle name! I live for adventure! I got this! Here I go full speed ahead! I’m walking by faith not by sight or should I say rolling by faith. Uh- Oh, What happened? I’m stuck. Oh no! I can’t go. Help Help! Oh God, Please send someone to help get me out of the mud. I can’t do it on my own. Without you I am nothing. Amen.
April comes to help get me out of the mud.
“Hi. Can I help you?”
“Yes please.”
“What happened?”
“I was driving too fast and I didn’t see the mud hole now my tires are stuck and I can’t move. I need help pushing my wheelchair out of the mud.”
“Okay, let me see what I can do.”
April pushes the chair but it doesn’t move. I push my chair forward and pull back many times. Finally after much effort the chair is free from the mud.
“Look at those tires. What a mess! Now we have to hose them down and scrape them off. While we get the mud off my chair why don’t you look and see what the Bible has to say about narrow pathways. I’ll be back as soon as I get cleaned up.”
Discussion questions and then we come back after the mess is cleaned up.
“I finally got my tires all cleaned up. Guess I should’ve paid more attention to that sign. Next time I see a sign that says, “Narrow road” I’ll slow down and my chair won’t go off the path. Maybe I should wear a hard hat with a light. The good news is I’m out of the mud! Thank you April for helping me get out of the mud.”
“No problem. Anytime.”
“I guess I have a lot to learn about what “live by faith not by sight” means. I need to read my Bible more. I know Matthew 7:13 says, “Narrow is the gate.” I need to learn how to slow down, think things through and then I won’t get stuck in the mud.”
“Good idea.”
“Lord, help me to learn to follow your narrow pathway so my choices are pleasing to you. Give me true sight so I can be a light for you.” Amen.
Closing: Talk about social media. Intolerant/ narrow-minded Quote John 14:6. God’s way is narrow. We can be a light by how we respond and maybe bring our friends to Christ. God has all the answers to all of our problems. If we think we have it bad, look at how Jesus got mocked on earth. People hung Him on a cross because they didn’t like what He was teaching. Yet on the cross He said, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they’re doing.” It’s because of what happened on the cross that we have hope of eternal life. It’s because of the narrow pathway God made for us through His son that we can share the good news. A Christ-like should be our response inwardly as we pray for unbelievers. Because of Jesus, we can face tomorrow! Jesus didn’t say the Christian Life would be easy! John 16:33,
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
Our eternal future is in his hands when we stay on the narrow path and follow God’s way.
I live in The Bungalows which has a very narrow pathway. If I have my speed up too much and I’m not paying attention, I get my wheelchair tires stuck in the mud. Then my mom has to hose down the tires, scrape off the mud and dry the chair. Sometimes I have to leave my chair outside and transfer to my walker. The Christian life is the same way. When we really take the time to get to know God and follow His way, we find that God’s way is less muddy and we have fewer regrets. You don’t want to look back on a decision you made later and say, “Why did I do that?” When we follow God’s way that will happen less. Instead of asking, “Why?” We can say, “Thank you Lord for opening my eyes to the ultimate pathway.”
Make a narrow road on construction paper. Write God’s Way on the narrow pathway. Draw a wheelchair stick person. Talk about how there are two pathways. On the second Pathway write Man’s Way. Talk about how often the wider pathway looks more fun but leads to bad decisions and regrets later on life. Friends who don’t encourage us to make good choices such as disobeying our teachers or parents, or using foul language, or going on a questionable website. If the wheelchair goes too fast and off on the wide pathway, it will get stuck in the mud and then have to be cleaned off. God’s narrow pathway leads to joy, hope, a bright future, and keeps us out of the mud. Then talk about how there are consequences for our actions when we don’t follow God’s narrow pathway. Even though God does forgive us when we confess our sins, the consequences for our choices can’t always be wiped away. That’s why it pays to stay on God’s narrow pathway.
Use the Discussion Questions as a guide to interact with the kids.