Training in Godliness: An Update about Osteoporosis

1 Timothy 4:8
“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”
Well, I went to the doctor, and the results of my osteoporosis tests have been confirmed: my numbers are -2.3. Even though that’s technically considered osteoporosis, the doctor is still calling it osteopenia because I’m only 35 years old. My bones still have a few years to grow and reach their peak bone mass. The doctor doesn’t want to put me on medications for osteoporosis yet because she’s afraid of the long-term long side effects on my body. Also, by the time I reach 40, she doesn’t want to run out of options if she feels I really need it in the future.
Besides trying to walk in my walker as much as I can, the doctor also emphasized that lifting weights and wearing weights on my hands is another good form of weight bearing exercise. This is me trying to lift weights and put my arms up over my head. I even started wearing weights when I work at the computer. I’ve often heard it said that the best way to get exercise in, is to do it throughout the day.
Just as it’s important for our physical bodies to be fit, as Christians, it’s also important for our hearts and minds to be spiritually fit, and do a little weight bearing. If we want to grow in the Lord, and get to know Him intimately, it’s important to read God’s word daily, spend time in prayer, and be around other Christians on a regular basis. This will strengthen our spiritual muscles and give us a deeper understanding of who God is.
I understand how easy it is to get distracted in this fast-paced culture. Sometimes I really have to force myself to focus on the sermon in church and not think about the next article I’m going to write or what I’m going to do later. I often say that while my body can’t do nine things at a time, my brain can.
If I’m not careful, my spiritual muscles can easily weaken. When that happens, I start to worry more instead of trusting God for the outcome. Sometimes I get bitter about my disability, and that’s exactly what Satan wants. Some days I really have to quote Bible verses to myself, sing church songs I’ve learned, etc. When I give it to God, all my earthly concerns fade away and I can better focus on God’s goodness. It’s a constant battle, but one worth fighting. I want to get home to heaven and hear my savior say, “Well done my good and faithful servant. You ran the race and finished strong.”
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the people you’ve put in my life to help strengthen my physical muscles as well as my spiritual muscles. Help me to remember to strengthen my spiritual muscles, and have a thankful heart so I can be a strong witness, and serve you to the best of my ability.